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How to Share a Draft Publication

How to Share a Draft Publication on PerfectPost

Sharing a draft publication on PerfectPost allows for effective collaboration and optimal preparation before the final publication on LinkedIn. Follow these steps to share a draft with your team or specific users.

Select the Draft to Share

Access the interface where all your draft contents are listed. Select the draft you wish to share by clicking on it.

Add Reviewers

In the "Reviewers" section, visible at the bottom right of the editing interface, the profiles of the people or teams with access to the draft are displayed. To add reviewers:

- Click on the "+" symbol.
- Add people directly by their email address or choose from the members of your team.

Configure Sharing Settings

Once in the sharing modal, you have several options:

Users with Access

These are the individuals with whom you have directly shared the publication. You can add users by entering their email address in the provided field. Added users will receive an email informing them of the share.

My Teams

This section lists all the teams you belong to. For each team, you can define specific access rights for the shared publication, whether it be read-only or read and write.

General Access

Activate a public link if you want your publication to be accessible to external individuals without a PerfectPost account. This link will allow the publication to be viewed with a rendering similar to that on LinkedIn once published.

Confirm and Share

After setting the access, click 'Save' to confirm the changes. Selected members or external people will then be able to access the draft according to the defined permissions.

Updated on: 10/05/2024

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