Articles on: Team Mode
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Getting Started with Team Mode

Getting Started with Team Mode on PerfectPost

Team mode on PerfectPost enhances your experience on LinkedIn by allowing flexible data sharing and collaboration.

You can join multiple teams, freely choose the data to share, and use the PerfectPost extension to collect the necessary personal data.

The draft posts you create can be accessed by all authorized teams. For more details on visibility levels, refer to another section of our documentation. Here's how to make the most of team mode:

Share Your Drafts

- Content Collaboration: Write your post ideas for LinkedIn and seek feedback from your colleagues to refine and improve your messages.

Pool Your Statistics

- Shared Analysis: Share key data from the posts you select, such as impressions, likes, comments, reshares, and votes. You can also share views of your LinkedIn profile and your follower count.

Schedule as a Team

- Coordinated Planning: View your colleagues' planned posting slots to choose an optimal time without scheduling conflicts.

Share Resources

- Resource Pooling: Share your carousel templates, photos, and videos. Also, benefit from the daily tips from PerfectPost, specifically tailored for your team.

How to Create a Team

To create a new team on PerfectPost, follow these steps:

Click on "+ create a team" in the left menu.
A form will appear where you can enter the team's name.
Add the email addresses of the people you want to include in your team.

Create a Team

Team Settings

To adjust the visibility and sharing settings within your team, go to the team settings where you can configure what other members can see and share.

Updated on: 10/05/2024

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